
時間:2023-11-19 08:36:48 作者:娛樂城老虎機博彩 熱度:娛樂城老虎機博彩
娛樂城老虎機博彩描述::曾一鳴中國內地男歌手、獨立音樂制作人曾一鳴(1982年7月3日-),出生于湖南省常德市漢壽縣,畢業于湖南公安高等專科學校,中國內地男歌手、獨立音樂制作人。[1]2002年,創作國內首部網絡音樂劇《愛你是個錯誤》出道。2005年,推出首張個人原創專輯《七月》。2013年,參加湖南衛視《中國最強音》獲得年度總冠軍。2014年,發行第二張原創專輯《神通》。代表作品有《無法再見的時光》、《后生我輩自在》和《笙歌》等。2018年11月18日,發行單曲《不好過》。2019年5月2日,發行單曲《放肆看我》。zengZeng Yiming (born July 3, 1982) is a Chinese male singer and independent music producer who graduated from Hunan Public Security College in Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province.[1] In 2002, he created the first network musical "Loving You is a Mistake" in China. In 2005, she released her first album of original work, July. In 2013, participated in Hunan TV's "The X Factor of China" and won the annual championship. In 2014, he released his second original album, "Magic". His representative works include "The Time We Can't See Again", "Later My Generation Is at Ease" and "Strike", etc. On November 18, 2018, the single "Hard" was released.On May 2, 2019, the single "Look at me in spite of yourself" was released.
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